Food Processing and Engineering Laboratory
Food Processing and Engineering Laboratory contains (1) Mini UHT and aseptic unit; (2) Liquid food processing equipment including: 250L mixing tank, dual-filters, vacuum de-aerator, homogenizer, UHT sterilizer, fermenter, PHE cooler, Liquid packer, electric steam generator and refrigerator; (3) Bakery equipment: Farinograph, bread volume tester, dough maker, proofer, oven, dual-extruder, single/dual-extruder; (4) Meat equipment: mincer, chopper, brine injector, massager, sausage filler, vacuum can sealer and smoker; (5) Dairy equipment: milk analyzer, evaporator, spray drier, ice cream maker, cheese vat, cook-stretcher, process cheese cooker, yoghurt fermenter and vacuum packer; (6) a 6-booth sensory evaluation room, texture analyzer, colorimeter, penetrometer and viscometer; (7) miscellaneous: UF/ RO water treatment system, joint processor with extraction, fermentation, evaporation and distillation, wireless recorder for F value, DSC, particle sizer, contact angle tester and tensile tester. It locates in Room 115 (120 M2), Room 117 (110 M2) and Room XXX (100 M2), Yifu Building. Another 100 M2 is in Build 8 for sensory evaluation and physical properties testing. All of them are utilized to teach Food Technology Laboratory for all students in 3 programs of CFEB and Food Engineering Practice for Program FST. In Build 8, Room 108, there is a Food Innovation Workshop for students’ food preparation activities in extra-curriculum hours. The workshop includes bakery equipment, culinary cookware, microwave oven and extruders.

Sensory evaluation room

Mini-UHT and aseptic packer

Cheese equipment

Cheese equipment

Texture analyzer


Wireless thermal recorder

Differential scanning calorimeter

Contact angle tester

Particle sizer

Viscosity meter
TEDA Campus:No.29,13th.Avenue,Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Area(TEDA),Tianjin,China 300457