Undergraduate Education of Food Science and Technology,TUST
Innovation Club
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Innovation Club

"Innovation Club" is a native part of FST education program. It is managed by the Student Union who arranges the whole process. It is equipped with reasonable food processing equipment and reliable financial resource. At this base, the students participate in "Challenge Cup: Innovation and Entrepreneurship" and other enterprises sponsored product development competition, such as Health Cup (DuPont Danisco), Beverage Development (China Beverage Association), Tianbo Cup (Tianbo Flavors, Shandong) and Junior Dessert (CFEB). FST faculties provide systemic guidance through lectures, personal instruction and web communication. Students build a web for self-learning on innovation (http://web.showtj.com/xingxiaosong/keji/). The activities reinforce the curriculum learning through literature retrieve, idea generation, proposal, preparation, written/oral presentation which provides an indispensible opportunity for experience of success kills. Apart from the food samples, the students also prepare video program for promoting their products, some of which are provided in the following web-links. In three years, the students won the National Challenge Cup, three municipal gold, one silver and three bronze awards. Promotion Videos:
Needle Mushroom: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTQ5NTg0MzY4.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2
Miss bar: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTYzMDY2ODY4.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2
Nourish bar http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTI1MTgyNzcxNg==.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2
Happy nuts: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTY2MDUyMTA0.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2
Tomato bar: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTI1MjA0OTYyOA==.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2
Crisp bar: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTY1OTAxMjEy.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2
Student preparation

Receiving pupil visitors

Pickled almond on 2010 IFT expo

Puffed foods

Bevarage products


Winners of product development competition